Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #6: Animation Deconstruction

I chose to use two stills from the animated movie, The Secret of Kells. The topics I’ll be comparing are color and movement. To contrast the two, the first image uses a larger variety of hues, and while there is some saturation the colors are primarily lighter. On the other hand, the second image is very dark by comparison, the background completely black. The colors are limited too; aside from the main character, teal is virtually the only color used, in varying shades and brightness. Toward the center of the second image the colors are brighter, creating the illusion of an eerie glow. As far as color goes, the two images have very little in common. The biggest thing they do have in common is that they primarily contain cool colors. For movement, both images create an illusion of movement. In the first image, Aisling’s hair appears to be blowing in the wind, and the line her hair creates is paralleled by the tree branch she is perched upon. In the second image, there is a distinct downward movement, due to Brendan’s positioning and the creature above him. The creature’s teeth are quite literally arrows pointing diagonally doward and at Brendan, drawing our attention to him and his downward descent, as well as his precarious position between the jaws of a monster. The lines behind him emphasize his movement as well, as they are parallel to his descent, yet at the same time could be seen as going in the opposite direction, drawing him straight into the creature’s mouth. The second image contains much faster, emphasized movement than the first one, and the movement in the second image is on the vertical plane, creating that sense of falling and urgency, while the first image’s movement is on the horizontal plane, creating a calmer, more balanced image. As such, the images are similar in that they both contain movement, but contrasting in that the movement contained moves in completely conflicting directions.

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